Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Misconceptions on Nursing Students

my first ever assignment for my effective writing class..


A lot of people judge nursing students, immediately regarding us as “green pasture” seekers, because of the number of opportunities that supposedly await us upon graduation. There is some truth to this, of course, because the recruitment of Philippine nurses for posting in overseas positions has been escalating in recent years, and in the midst of our present gloomy economic scenario, young professionals can hardly be blamed for heeding the call of the almighty dollar. This seeming materialistic pursuit of those enrolled in the nursing course has also led to the further misconception that nursing students are a swellheaded lot.

These are just some of the prejudices that people have on high school graduates, second coursers, doctors and other professionals who are taking up nursing. It is most unfair for them to think so, because nursing is one of the noblest professions since it is the unselfish rendering of service to humanity. If it has become an economically rewarding one now, the monetary value of nursing services is but the icing on the cake and not the substance of it. Even as nursing students, we can truthfully declare that the smile on our patients’ faces when we have even in a small measure alleviated their pain and anxieties is more than reward in itself.

It is not easy being a nursing student since we have more than our share of hardships - from high tuition, expensive paraphernalia, sleepless nights, cramming, failures, and rigid school requirements not to mention doing away with weekend gimmicks. Whatever reasons we have for pursuing this course – be it the lure of the greener pastures or the chance of going abroad, or just the supreme gratification of being of service to others, people should understand and clear themselves of all these misconceptions.

I, for one, am taking up nursing, although it was never my choice. I too, had misconceptions of the nursing profession, but here I am, enjoying every single experience of it, and realizing that my parents had made the right decision after all.