hahaha. i scored a perfect 100!ü damn, i know i am a goddess and i definitely know that i AM vain, but this is too much! its living proof that i exist! lol ü
thanks to gandahlicious diana for posting this on her friendster bulletin.ü
Answer the following YES or NO questions to find out how vain you are! Each number you answer YES corresponds to ten points, while NO gets 5.
1. YOU always have a comb in either your pocket or your bag. Even if you know it's not hygienic, you borrow your friend's comb or brush when you forget to bring yours.
2. INVOLUNTARILY, you touch your hair as if it's not always on top of your head. You check if it's smooth or if your bangs are still tucked behind your ears.
3. PHOTOGENICITY is your goal. Whenever someone takes a group picture, you pose, find an angle, and smile before they say '1, 2, 3.'
4. SELF-PORTRAITS make you busy. You take time, a lot of time, taking pictures of yourself and yourself only. You check the lighting and strike a pose while holding your camera with one hand or putting the timer on. When the pic is not good enough for you, you take it again until it's perfect.
5. MIRRORS are addictive to you. Not even just mirrors, even glass doors, or glass bottles are used to reflect your face. When walking, you stop, take a look at yourself and fix up.
6. ORNAMENTALISM brings out the best in you. From simple, to highly metro-fashionable, you shop and get into style.
7. CELLPHONE CAMERAS become very important to you. You take pictures with your friends, put up your phones high, and smile at an
8. LIPGLOSS is a need. No questions asked.
9. MULTIPLIES, XANGAS, BLOGSPOTS, PICZOS and many more. You have these to show your vanity in pictures or words.
10. YOU WILLINGLY ANSWERED THIS TEST. Answering this proves that YOU are interested in knowing of YOU are vain, and therefore YOU are.
50-59 = Fashion Advocate
60-69 = Fashion Mistress
70-79 = Just Plain Vain
80-89 = Vanity Queen
90-99 = Vanity Princess
100 = Goddess of Vanity
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